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Sunday, April 14, 2013

2 1/2 Months Progress

Its been a long time since my last post. Im back to work and very busy. I am adjusting nicely to the crazy days spent with 19 7/8 year olds and other crazy adults!
The first picture is my two month progress. The second picture shows my 2.5 month progress. I've also hit a goal of losing my first 50 lbs. as of this morning! It's hard to believe that I am 50 lbs lighter. I can feel how much of a difference I can move. Another new thing I can do is cross my legs freely. If you have never been severely overweight, you may not know the feeling of not being able to cross your legs. My next non-surgery goal is to sit criss-cross-applesauce. For all the non-teachers reading this, that means Indian style. Always trying to be politically correct. Hehe. I can already get up and down on the carpet easier with my students. But I'm hoping to sit like them, as well.
Another victory is lowering my pants size. At my highest weight I was wearing size 24W! I'm now able to fit into an 18. It's a good feeling to walk into a dressing room with what you think will fit only to try them on and they are too big! Goodbye 20s!
I've been realizing how much of a stress eater I was. I've had a few times of leaving school totally stressed out and my brain was telling me to order bad food from the local pizza place on the way home so I could gorge my stress away or come home and make a cocktail. Um, those are not options I have right now. So, I try to decompress in other ways like go for a walk, shop, lay down & meditate, make a an iced coffee drink. I'm learning that I can find other outlets that don't leave me feeling guilty and bloated. I will admit I did partake in my first alcohol in months after some hair color trauma. The wine was accepted by my stomach and system with flying colors! But I know everything has to be in moderation.
This journey has sure been a process of learning and reflection. I'm taking the steps toward bettering myself physically and mentally. I am very fortunate to have a line of supporters waving me on each day!

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