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Friday, March 1, 2013

1 Month

Can you believe it? It's been one month since my surgery. What a difference one month can make. Look at those pictures! The past month has kind of flown by. It seems weird to say that because there were some days that were a struggle and seemed to last an eternity. But that'a in the past. I'm moving forward to the "losers bench". This bench is one I am excited to be sitting on.

I met with my beloved dietician, Kevin, this week to discuss my next stage: soft foods. Soft foods are basically anything you can eat without using a knife. Think of crock pot meals. This is a great stage to be in, so far. But I am realizing that the amounts I am used to cooking will require a bit of adjusting. Right after my appointment, I went to the grocery store to pick up a few items. I bought some cod and haddock because they were on sale. That night I chose the haddock and put a little olive oil and dried pesto on to make a rub and added some roasted red peppers. Yummy! I ate 4 oz of the fish, about half of the filet and a few peppers. The rest is in the fridge waiting. I've been pretty fortunate that everything I have tried has been agreeing with mini stomach. This is not always the case with fellow sleevers.

When I had my appointment, Kevin also shared a study with me about a group of sleevers in Ohio. Because this is a rather newer weight loss surgery in the states, there is not a lot of long-term information. But this study did share that on average most sleevers lost 83% of their excess body weight. There is a whole big mathematical way to figure this out (math is not my strong ability). But bottom line is that I can lose enough weight to put me at 154 pounds. Now this sounds great to me. But the more I thought, I have no idea how I would look or feel at this weight. Considering my first diet (cabbage soup and low carb) was in 5th grade when I was around 10 years old, it's hard to remember what I weighed then. If you do the math (this math isn't too hard), that means I have been dieting and struggling with food addiction for 31 years. That's a mighty long time folks. This was a difficult decision to make for myself. I am sure glad that I took this step to have a tool to help me have a healthful, more enjoyable life.

Not sure what 154 is like. That sure seems like a long way off. Right now I'm just shooting for something called "one-derland". Try to figure that out what that means. That's your homework assignment. You can leave your answer in the comment section below.


  1. You rock! You look wonderful! I am so impressed with what you're doing. One-derand...? Weight below 200?

  2. I need another post! you met the 2 month mark!
