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Monday, February 25, 2013

Plugging Away

This past week or so has been a tough one. I was really good at following all of the rules. I was hitting my protein level, taking my vitamins, exercising, eating 3 ounces every 2-3 hours and trying hard to drink 64 ounces of water or liquid. But even with following the rules, many of you know I not always good at following rules, I hit a stall. A halt. A stop. Das kaput! How frustrating. But from what I read on some Vertical Sleeve websites from other posters, this is a normal thing and happens to all patients. Well, even though this is normal it sure doesn't make it easy to look at the scale staying right around the same number. I mean I'm only eating 600-800 calories a day! That has never happened in my pre -surgery days. Maybe each meal had that many calories or more.
That scale is every weight loss person's  enemy. I finally have come to realize a few days ago that weighing myself twice every day was becoming excessive and messing with my brain. So, I have decided to weigh myself on Saturdays only. Yes, not 14 times a week, ONCE a week. This may help me not get so down on myself to not see the scale moving faster. Isn't funny how we think that scale will move after one good day or after one trip to the gym. Not the case people. The body doesn't quite work that way no matter how much we wish it would.
I am proud to report that the stall has been broken as of Saturday. I saw a lower number! Yes! You can keep track of my weight loss at the top of this blog. I added a ticker that measures my progress. The starting weight was when I had my first appointment back in August. I lost 20 pounds before surgery.

Thanks for reading and supporting me on my journey. I'm hoping to educate you along the way and give me some writing therapy as well.

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